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October 6 2024 / 12:34 PM
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Danielle Park - "Diet Coke. Must have it."

Our subscribers are the very best travel agents around. We know it, you know it, everyone knows it. That’s why we’ve been running mini-contests over the past couple months to get to know our travel agents better.

We challenged you to Wake Up with WheelsUp’s “Agent’s Must-Have Challenge”. No minimum amount of words, no right answers, and no wrong answers.

We just wanted to get to know that mysterious travel agent behind that screen because we interact with you every day. Whether it’s you reading our articles, subscribing to our newsletter, or following us on Facebook.

In the spirit of Travel Agent Appreciation Month, we’re going to share some of our favourite entries with you.


It's All About That Washroom

Ebonie Davenport
"I need a full length mirror that is outside of the bathroom. Without it I am lost."


William Hoh
"Knowing I have a hotel room with a shower waiting for me at the end of the day."


Wendy Nethercott
"Being able to find a bathroom. I know..."


Travel agents tell us what's most important to them while travelling



Sheree Brown
"Comfortable seating and clothing, no delays and good weather."


Jean Irving
"Having a clean comfortable room at a locally run hotel."


Brenda Juba
"Must have a great bed and pillows .... + reliable internet. Exceptional service."


Audrey Knight
"Comfortable seating on the plane, in the vehicle, at the lounge, etc."


"A good nights sleep."


Suzanne Sevier
"Comfortable bed and quiet room."


Travel agents tell us what's most important to them while travelling


Specific Items

Leah Smith
"My camera. Without it I feel lost. I don't care if my luggage takes it's own trip. The camera bag stays on my shoulder wherever I go."


Wendy McDonald


Sharri Silver
"I absolutely must have cell phone connectivity because I am always on call for my clients."


Barbara Clark
"That I didn't forget to pack some major item - something I cannot go to the store to replace, such as my passport."


Catherine Pomales
"Comfortable shoes, wifi, money and camera. Need all of them to survive on my trips."


Loretta Sellars
"Having my phone with me to keep in touch with family and clients and taking pictures of my travel experiences."


Willi Green
"Comfy shoes based on the destination."


Travel agents tell us what's most important to them while travelling



Carrie Hiebert
"Keeping your passport secure."


Mathilde VanLeeuwen
"Safety is number one! Whether it's flying, accommodations, or visiting a country."


Pina Lezzi
"Passsport & insurances."


Teresa Gogan

Check out our interview with Teresa here!


Amanda Hampton
"Safety! Ensuring that I'm in a good area and that all my transportation is safe and well maintained."


Joseph Aligo
"Getting there and back safely."




Deborah Hall
"New, but safe experiences."


Debbie Brown
"Who has the Passports????"


Travel agents tell us what's most important to them while travelling



Joyce Vantrease
"Having clean restrooms.......I do not like odors !!!!! I can deal with all other aspects of travel...that is just my pet peeve."


Doreen Rich
"Clean bathrooms."


Sarah Reed
"Clean linens and rooms."


Walter Edwards
"Clean, comfortable accommodations."


Travel agents tell us what's most important to them while travelling



Angela Avers
"Getting to my Destination in a timely manner."


Jenn Soum
"Leg Room"


Ramona Joyes
"Flight on time performance is important to me. It's the pits when flights are delayed and that cuts into your hard earned holiday time.

But please keep in mind that its not always the airlines fault. Other factors (weather, or grounding of aircraft etc.) can make a mess of schedules as well."


Marti Lombardo
"Not a 6am flight!"


Anthony Grillo
"Aisle seat"


David Ibarra
"Smooth end to end travel connections. On time flights with reasonable service."


Dana Oilar
"On time airlines and easy access to plane changes."


Brian McCarthy
"On-time flights"


Carlene Barnswell
"Spacious seats on the airplane. Why should you have to pay extra for comfort?"


Stephanie Hatch
"Hassle free trip with everything included. Checked and carry on bags, seat selection, snacks and non alcoholic drinks. Also meals on international flights."


Peter Frinton
"Reliability/safety of transportation."


Joline Sullivan
"Flights be on time and not delayed or canceled!"


Travel agents tell us what's most important to them while travelling



Check out the next page to see what our travel agents say they absolutely “must-have” while travelling!

Culinary Greatness

Sandra Burns
"If I am cruising then the quality of the food and the abundance of many venues for meals or snacks is most important to me."


Joilyn Doucette
"Good Coffee or Cappuccinos!"


Angela Day
"Good food!"


Danielle Park
"Diet Coke. Must have it."


Patti Kollar
"No buffet dining for dinners :-)"


Ryan Wright
"A stiff drink"


Lillie Revas
"Coffee machine in room"


David Skogebo
"Healthy food options"


Travel agents tell us what's most important to them while travelling



Bernadette Cecilia Pakert
"Wifi is very important, strange, but I like for my clients to be able to reach me."


Sandra Burns
"If I am cruising then the quality of the food and the abundance of many venues for meals or snacks is most important to me."


Deborah Bowers
"A good Wifi connection is definitely a must when travelling."


Sonja Torring
"WiFi and pretty sceneries"


Beverly Golden
"Internet access!"


Kirstin Eilers
"WiFi - mobile data just doesn't always cut it. Its hard not to be connected and work in the travel industry."


Carolyn Deblieck
"Wifi connection. Gotta stay in touch with clients"


Travel agents tell us what's most important to them while travelling


The Experience

Ethel Muli
"Being able to experience the 'atmosphere' of different cultures & countries, by customs & cultures"


"To have an amazing time."


Renee Halushka
"Learning new cultures."


Susan Hopkins
"Just the fact that I am travelling. A chance to learn about a new place, meet new people, and experience the excitement of travel."


Darlene Biagioni
"Immersing myself in the culture of the destination."


Kendal Sommers
"A sense of humor!"

Check out our interview with Kendal here!


Tonya Ruper-Simpson
"Available experiences/excursions."

Special shout-out: Hi Tonya! Thank you so much for entering our Wake Up with WheelsUp contests! We’ve included your lovely pictures from St. Thomas in our “Travel Agents tell us their greatest travel stories” article here  :)


Tina Myles
"Incredible Experiences. I like to be immersed in a culture and love once in a lifetime experiences."


Travel agents tell us what's most important to them while travelling


The People

Myrna Baumgartner
"Knowing I have the support of a good travel agent that I can call if anything goes wrong."

Honestly, what would we do without travel agents?


Tracey Beastall
"Proper travel and airplane etiquette from other passengers. Such as waiting your turn to get off the plane instead of trying to rush to the front bypassing everyone that is waiting to get off.

Also…when carry-on luggage is never measured or weighed by the airlines and people bring carry-on luggage on the plane that is clearly oversized when the rest of us pay to check our bags."


David G Skehan
"My wife. It's never any fun without her."


Geraldine Yancey
"Friendly, attentive and knowledgeable staff, cleanliness of facility especially lavatories and floors.

When waiting in a line for service, eye contact and acknowledgement that service will be provided soon extends customer service and appreciation for client’s patience while waiting to be assisted."


Marissa Logue
"The most important thing to me while traveling is to be with my family! It doesn't matter if we have a bad hotel, or bad weather as long as we're together. :)"


Whitney Hodges
"The most important thing for me while traveling is to have someone to share my experiences with. My husband is my go to adventure and escapism companion!"


KA Carrier
"My traveling companion. S/He can make or break a trip."


Jo Ann Wrobel
"A good travelling companion."


Tammy Roy
"Good quality customer service, as well as seamless transitions between travel and destination."


Susan Pardy Bradbury
"Taking time for ME in this busy industry..and also being sure that I offer ongoing support to my clients while I am having an amazing time!"


Jeannie McMaster
"Being with my people. NO WIFI. I'm an easy keeper, just love to relax and disconnect!!!"


Travel agents tell us what's most important to them while travelling



Sylvia Kovacs
"Hotel Location is Paramount. I often travel solo so I look for hotels in safe locations - within walking distance of good restaurants, landmarks etc. that I can visit during the day and in the evening with confidence and without the need for taxis or public transport."


Sherri Coleman


"Location and ease of getting around."


Theresa Marcotte


Elise Gauthier
"The people who are with me and the temperature. If its raining for the entire time its less enjoyable."


Pierre Roy


Travel agents tell us what's most important to them while travelling


Keep It Easy

Nathalie Liu
"A seamless travel experience, starting at the departure airport, the flight experience, the tour/cruise/day to day experience/ and the return home."


Tania Shushack
"Keeping it simple. Simple fares/simple rules/simple check-in/ease of overall travel"


Ramona Amormino
"It is most important that my schedule flows smoothly and my transfer is there when I land and my room is everything that I wanted... a minimum of stress."


Richard Adams


Steve A Fairhurst
"All inclusive. Love the idea of being on vacation and not having to worry about taking out my wallet or having a bill at the end of the trip."


Cherie McKee
"Relaxing atmosphere."


Thank you again to all the amazing travel agents who enter our contests, we love reading your entries! To see travel agents’ greatest travel stories in 5 words or less click here, and to read some of their funniest and weirdest client stories click here. 

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